Of all the places you could explore on the internet you ended up here, well I’ll be damned and humbled! I’ve called this blog “real talk, before it’s too late”, because the truth is, we have a short and unknown amount of time on this earth and I’ve been in dark places too many times, that I’ve made a decision to make meaningful and difficult life changes so that my cycle of pain ends (or hopefully lessens). While I made this conscious decision, I realized there is no shame in talking about my weaknesses along the way in an effort to support others who are also finding their way out of darkness.
Real meaningful change is damn uncomfortable
And I’ve realized throughout my life, and you probably have too, that anything worthwhile is hard work. Through covid, I had a profound ah-ha moment where I realized that ‘complacency is the devil’, which I’ll talk more about in another blog, so stay connected. Whichever side you're on, stagnant or propelling forward, it takes your energy to decide how you want to live. And during my latest rock-bottom, I decided something significant needed to change because nearing ending my life for another time would be the last.
Remember, I said this would be real talk.
At the bottom of each blog, there are resources to access in case the content triggers you and you need to access support. Again, there is ZERO shame in accessing support, in fact, it takes courage to reach out and share your pain and ask for support. We all experience pain, it’s part of being human. People don’t fake depression, they fake being happy. And leading with kindness in a world where we are all SO misunderstood is really the simplest act of kindness we can show ourselves and each other.
My goals for this blog is to:
share information and resources that I’ve found interesting and helpful along my journey. I don’t plan to recreate anything, sell you a course, or pretend to have all the answers, because let’s face it, I can assure you I don’t have all the answers, that's for damn sure. I plan to curate the gold nuggets of information from best selling authors and researchers like Brene Brown.
be real and unfiltered and adopt Metas’ Sheryl Sandberg, “done is better than perfect” philosophy. This blog won’t be perfect, but I hope you find it interesting.
challenge the status quo with my thinking and hopefully this will challenge yours. My belief is that we can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So perhaps thinking differently is the first step.
Overall, my hope is that over time this information inspires others who are considering challenging the status quo to share their truth and not be filtered. As well, for those in a position of supporting or watching those enduring challenging times, my hope is that this information challenges you to think differently about how you perceive others and instead lead with kindness and a listening ear rather than a critical eye.
In the next blog, I’ll share a bit about my journey and why I wear armour as a form of protection. Along the same lines, I explore why people perceive vulnerability as a weakness, which is one of the reasons for starting the blog. In the meantime, drop me a comment and let me know something real about YOU!
Be well,